Markedly Lower Rates of Coronavirus Infection and Fatality in
Malaria-Endemic Regions A Clue to Treatment?
This comparative analysis of coronavirus infection and death among 2.4 billion persons
around the world demonstrates a wide (two orders of magnitude or one hundred-fold) disparity in
coronavirus fatality rates between well-developed and less-developed countries. The difference is
backward or counterintuitive. The current data demonstrates the surprising fact that those in more
affluent countries are about one hundred times more likely to become infected with coronavirus
infection and die. This effect is most apparent when these countries are compared to countries
with the highest rates of endemic malaria. It is known that the novel coronavirus, also known as
COVID-19, originated in Wuhan China and is transmitted from one country to another by travelers
from a coronavirus-infested area. It is also known that travelers to malaria-endemic countries are
likely to be taking antimalarial prophylaxis. There is also evidence that antimalarials, notably
hydroxychloroquine, may have some efficacy in the treatment of coronavirus. In light of these
facts, the mortality data presented here is highly probative for the hypothesis that prophylactic
antimalarial use by its incoming visitors markedly attenuates a country’s coronavirus fatality rate.
coronavirus, COVID-19, mortality, antimalarial, decrease, Africa, death, disparity,
protective, treatment, malaria, SARS-CoV-2, epidemiology, statistics, migration, pharmacology
Our world finds itself in the grip of a global pandemic caused by a novel coronavirus known
as SARS-CoV-2 or COVID-19. This worldwide coronavirus pandemic has turned medicine as we
know it upside down. Patients are told, “don’t come to the hospital.” “You don’t need to be
diagnosed.” “A test won’t change your treatment.” Take Tylenol (this has replaced the proverbial
two aspirin) and call the doctor, not in the morning, but later (when you experience hypoxic
respiratory failure or cytokine storm or multi-organ failure).
Always before, we strove to diagnose early and to initiate treatment early. Doctors were
trained to believe that when the diagnosis was made late and treatment was delayed, this was likely
to be harmful to the patient. It was a sign of poor medical practice. See for example, the package
insert for Tamiflu the treatment for influenza virus. The insert states, “indicated for the treatment
of acute, uncomplicated influenza A and B in patients 2 weeks of age and older who have been
symptomatic for no more than 48 hours.Antiviral therapy for influenza is to be started within
48 hours. This is the standard of care for the most treatable viral illness. But not with coronavirus.
Now, with coronavirus, everything is backward.
Generally, in the U.S. the focus has been on mitigation - social distancing, rather than a
cure. Sure, there is talk of a vaccine, but that is 18 months away. There is some increasing
discussion and some trials of Remdesivir
and other antiviral agents as well as plasma infusions
for late stage treatment. There have been some trials of hydroxychloroquine. Underlying the daily
televised ventilator wars is the fact that the lay public thinks there is a one-to-one correspondence
between a ventilator and a cure. This is medicine’s dirty dark secret in the age of coronavirus.
About two-thirds of COVID-19 patients placed on ventilators will succumb to the disease.
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In fact, a recent study indicated that about 88% of COVID-19 patients placed in ventilators in New
York City succumbed to the disease.
Is there no place for traditional medical treatment, an oral
agent which, if started early, might alter the progression of the disease? In sum, we need a cure.
There is, of course, in some circles, talk of a cure. Is there a drug, which if given early
enough, might alter the progression of COVID-19? Is there an oral agent which would be effective
during the viral response or replication phase before the cytokine storm or host response phase?
There are, of course, a host of viral agents developed over the past forty years, many of which may
be given orally. Perhaps one of them might be effective. The most commonly touted possible
early/oral treatment is hydroxychloroquine, recently promoted by Dr. Raoult of the IHU-
Méditerranée Infection, Marseille, France. Dr. Raoult released a preliminary study of 80 patients
and then a study of 1,061 patients treated with hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin. The
mortality rate was reported to be 0.5%.
His report was criticized for small sample size and lack
of a control arm. The view that hydroxychloroquine might be effective against SARS is not new.
For example, in 2003, Boelaert, et. al. wrote in Lancet Infections Disease the drug has an
exceptionally broad spectrum of antimicrobial activity that could be exploited in many infections.
Results obtained in the prophylaxis of Q fever indicate that chloroquine/hydroxychloroquine can
be successfully used in the clinical management of infections other than malaria.”
Many physicians are optimistic about the use of hydroxychloroquine. A study of 6,000
physicians by Sermo was widely criticized. A more recent survey by physician staffing group
Jackson & Coker found that 65% of physicians would prescribe hydroxychloroquine.
Unfortunately, at least in the U.S., the debate over the use of hydroxychloroquine has been fraught
with controversy. The data examined in this paper may impact this debate, albeit indirectly.
This study compares publicly available data pertaining to coronavirus infections of in 2.4
billion persons living in twelve different countries. The twelve countries are divided into three
groups: Group 1 - westernized countries (Italy, Spain and U.S.) with more mature health care
delivery systems and virtually no presence of malaria; Group 2 - South Asia (India, Pakistan, and
Bangladesh); and Group 3 - malaria-endemic sub-Saharan Africa (Nigeria, Congo, Mozambique
Uganda, Niger and Côte d'Ivoire).
Groups 2 & 3 consisted of less-developed countries with less
mature health care delivery systems and a variable presence of malaria in their country.
The data was obtained from Coronavirus COVID-19 Global Cases Dashboard from The
Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University Whiting School
of Engineering.
The data is summarized in the attached table. The data for the total number of
infections, number of deaths, overall fatality rate, deaths per million and relative risk (of death)
ratio from twelve different countries were analyzed in an attempt to measure and explain the noted
The initial impetus for this study was the fact that unlike western countries, less affluent
and overcrowded countries in South Asia, like India, Pakistan and Bangladesh have experienced
As a preliminary matter, the basic socioeconomic data as to income and physician access for the twelve countries
was reviewed. The westernized countries have income approximately twenty-six times that of South Asia. The
westernized countries have income approximately thirty-seven times that of sub-Saharan Africa. The westernized
countries have approximately seven times more doctors than South Asia. The westernized countries have
approximately twenty-four times more doctors of sub-Saharan Africa.
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notably less impact from the COVID-19 pandemic. These countries have infection rates much
lower than seen in the West with death rates less than one per million with population. The
relatively low death rates particularly in India and Bangladesh have been widely noted and the
source of much speculation. The reasons for the low infection and death rates seen in South Asia
will be analyzed below in the Discussion. Suffice it to say at this point, it was noticed that not
only were the three countries in South Asia less affluent and had less access to health care than the
West, these three countries all had some presence of malaria and one in particular, India, is the
world’s leading manufacturer of hydroxychloroquine, used to prevent and treat malaria. Because
of this association, the data analysis was expanded to include six of the worlds leading malaria-
endemic countries. They are Nigeria, Congo, Mozambique, Uganda, Niger, and Côte d'Ivoire.
The data from the twelve different countries plus New York, were analyzed in an attempt
to determine the reasons for the unexpected, hundred-fold, inverse disparity in coronavirus
infection rates. COVID-19 is a worldwide infectious pandemic infecting about 1.3 million persons
in 185 countries and causing 92 thousand deaths to date. A primary purpose of this paper is to test
the hypothesis that better socioeconomic status and access to health care should result in less
infection and fewer deaths from the novel coronavirus known as SARS-CoV-2. That is to say,
better health care should decrease the morbidity and mortality of coronavirus. This hypothesis is
almost axiomatic and correlates to a great degree with the focus of the past decade or so on the
"social determinants of health," that is that “to a large degree, health is shaped by the conditions
in which people are born, grow, live, work, and age.
The results, in particular the disparate fatality rates of the three groups are described below.
The results are summarized here in Table 1.
Table 1 - Discrepant Fatality Rates from Coronavirus Infections, updated 04/22/20
(this data was reviewed throughout the month of April, 2020 and the disparity persisted.)
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The results are as follows. As of April 22, 2020, Italy has a population of 60 million with
183,957 cases and 24,648 deaths. Spain has a population of 46.7 million with 208,389 cases and
21,717 deaths. The United States has a population of 327 million with 825,306 cases and 45,075
deaths. India has a population of 1.35 billion with only 20,178 cases and 645 deaths. Pakistan has
a population of 220 million with 9,749 cases and 209 deaths. Bangladesh has a population of 160
million with 3,772 cases and 120 deaths. Nigeria has a population of 205 million with 782 cases
and 25 deaths. Congo has a population of 89 million with 359 cases and 25 deaths. Uganda has a
population of 45 million with 613 cases and no deaths. Mozambique has a population of 31 million
with 39 cases and no deaths. Côte d'Ivoire has a population of 25 Million with 916 cases and 13
deaths. Niger has a population of 22 Million with 657 cases and 20 deaths. In contrast, New York
State has a population of 19.8 million with 190,288 cases and 9,385 deaths.
As of this writing, India has a fatality rate of 0.000048%, Pakistan has a fatality rate of
0.000095%, and Bangladesh has a fatality rate of 0.000075%. Nigeria has a fatality rate of
0.000012%. Congo has a fatality rate of 0.000028%. Uganda has a fatality rate of zero.
Mozambique has a fatality rate of zero. Côte d'Ivoire has a fatality rate of 0.000059%. Niger has
a fatality rate of 0.000080%. The average national fatality rate of the six malaria-endemic
countries is 0.000030%. All six of these countries have national fatality rates of less than one case
per million.
Among the western countries, Italy has a fatality rate of 0.041% or 411 cases per million
and with a relative risk death from coronavirus is 2,402 times that of the six poor countries of sub-
Saharan Africa. Spain has a fatality rate of 0.047% or 465 cases per million and a relative risk of
death from coronavirus 2,719 times that of the six poor countries of sub-Saharan Africa. The
United States has an overall fatality rate of 0.014% or 338 cases per million and a relative risk 806
times that of the six poor countries of sub-Saharan Africa.
Overall, the Industrialized West has a population corrected coronavirus fatality rate
of approximately 1,059 times that of malaria-endemic, sub-Saharan Africa. This increased
coronavirus fatality rate in the west is highly significant statistically (p < 0.0001). The
increase infection rate may less certain due to variable availability of testing. Still, the
measured coronavirus infection rate in the Industrialized West is 416 times more than that
for sub-Saharan Africa. This measured difference is statistically significant (p < 0.0001).
The six malaria-prone countries of sub-Saharan Africa (Nigeria, Congo, Mozambique,
Uganda, Niger and Côte d'Ivoire – 0.3 deaths per million) have coronavirus fatality rates of about
half of that found in the three large countries of South Asia (India, Pakistan and Bangladesh – 0.7
deaths per million). At present, all of these less affluent counties have coronavirus fatality rates
less than one percent of the rates of the U.S. and other more affluent westernized countries.
Similarly, the infection rates of the six malaria-endemic countries are less than one percent of the
coronavirus infection rates seen in the West.
Obviously, this could be to relative lack of testing
in these countries. This is why a country’s death rate is the more valid measure.
The Westernized countries (Italy, Spain and U.S.) reviewed in their study had an overall coronavirus infection rate
of 0.2647%. The South Asian countries (India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh) had an overall infection rate of 0.0012%.
The malaria-endemic Sub-Saharan African countries (Nigeria, Congo, Mozambique, Uganda, Niger and Côte d'Ivoire)
had a similar overall infection rate of 0.0016%. Thus, the average raw coronavirus infection rate of the three
Westernized countries (Italy, Spain and U.S.) reviewed in the study was 189 times greater than the average raw
coronavirus infection rate of the nine less affluent countries (India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh, Nigeria, Congo,
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Analysis of this data is challenging. It changes daily if not hourly. The review of COVID-
19 infections in 2.4 billion persons demonstrates truly unexpected results. One unexpected pattern
consistently emerges. Otherwise less fortunate countries enjoy a protective effect against
coronavirus infection and death compared to the U.S. and Western European nations.
Conventional wisdom dictates that the coronavirus fatality rate would be much worse where
poverty and lack of access to healthcare prevails. One would expect those of lower socioeconomic
status with lesser access to health care would have increased morbidity and mortality from a viral
pandemic such as COVD-19. In fact, this is precisely what is seen within the U.S. itself but just
the opposite of what is seen in the rest of the world.
Many experts have expressed fear that because of cramped living quarters and overstressed
health systems, the coronavirus pandemic is likely to run rampant in countries in South Asia and
Africa. This study is, by no means, an effort to trivialize that risk. The data shows that, thus far,
this has simply not been the case. The Genetic Literacy Project notes, A review of the world
maps of confirmed cases of the coronavirus and the fatalities that it has caused shows an unusual
anomaly: The world’s second most populated continent, Africa, has seen the fewest number of
confirmed cases per capita, 7080, through April 3, despite the fact that Africa has extensive trade
and travel relations with China, where the outbreak originated, and with Europe, a global hotspot.”
This analysis confirms that observation.
Many have noticed these relatively low rates of coronavirus infection and death,
particularly in India and Bangladesh. Some have said this fact proves that coronavirus is a hoax.
Others assert that this proves that coronavirus is not dangerous. Such careless proclamations
cannot be taken seriously in light of bodies stored in refrigerated semi-trailers outside New York
hospitals or buried in mass graves on Hart island. Nor can the trivialization of COVID-19 be
squared with the experience of any front-line physician practicing in an affected area. At this point
in time, based upon the data representing 2.4 billion people, the unexpected, hundred-fold, inverse
disparity in fatality rates is real.
What can explain this disparity? In Africa, it cannot be explained by expected social
determinants of health as commonly understood. It cannot be explained by poverty or poor access
to care. The average fatality rate per million in the three developed countries in this study is 338.
The average coronavirus fatality rate per million of the three large nations of South Asia was only
0.7 per million. The average coronavirus fatality rate per million in the six impoverished nations
with endemic malaria in sub-Saharan Africa is only 0.3 per million. Thus, death from coronavirus
is 800 times more likely in the U.S. than in some of the poorest nations in the world. This paper
attempts to understand that discrepancy.
The hypothesis that higher socioeconomic status and improved access to health care should
result in less infection and fewer deaths from the novel coronavirus known as SARS-CoV-2 seems
to be disproven. Better access to health care does not decrease the morbidity and mortality of
coronavirus worldwide. This apparent protective effect afforded by living in South Asia or sub-
Mozambique Uganda, Niger and Côte d'Ivoire). Conversely, the nine less affluent countries (India, Pakistan, and
Bangladesh, Nigeria, Congo, Mozambique, Uganda, Niger and Côte d'Ivoire) had average raw coronavirus infection
rates which were 99.5% less than the three more affluent Westernized countries (Italy, Spain and U.S.).
This preprint research paper has not been peer reviewed. Electronic copy available at: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3586954
Saharan Africa screams out for explanation. An alternative hypothesis must be extended. This is
the purpose of this paper.
There are several possible explanations for the unexpected, hundred-fold, inverse disparity
in fatality rates associated with coronavirus. They are: 1) underreporting; 2) undertesting;
3) higher temperatures; 4) different genetic predispositions; and 5) some temporal anomaly.
The first possible explanation for the discrepancy in fatality rates is underreporting. There
is reason to believe that there may be underreporting of coronavirus deaths in China and maybe
even in Iran. It is far less reasonable to believe that there is underreporting by all nine of the less-
developed countries listed here in this study. For example, if India had a death rate similar to the
U.S. and highly affected Western European countries, it would have to be concealing and secretly
disposing about 300,000 corpses. Does anyone really think this is possible? There may be errors
in reporting, but it seems implausible that massive systemic underreporting or conspiracy to under
report could explain the disparities in the data reported here in this study.
Similarly, some have ascribed the discrepancy to under testing. Undertesting is no doubt
a problem around the world. But COVID-19 is often a fatal disease, and undertesting does not
stop an individual from dying. This is why death rates are a better marker than infection rates in
this global study.
The third possible explanation for the discrepancy in fatality rates is heat or climate. It is
argued that there is less progression of viral disease in warmer regions. This is seen with many
viral illnesses. This offers some hope for those living in western countries in temperate climates.
The susceptibility of coronavirus to warmer temperatures has generally been discounted by
experts. Hopefully, they will be proven wrong. Even if there is some truth to this theory,
temperature variation between countries does not seem to be able to explain the hundred-fold
differences in coronavirus fatality and infection rates seen here in this study.
Another alternative explanation offered might be some sort of racial or genetic protection
against coronavirus infection. Were this the case, it would mean that people of color and Blacks
in particular are less susceptible to coronavirus infection. Unfortunately, this seems not the case.
This hypothesis that Blacks are less susceptible to coronavirus infection seems to be distinctly
disproved by the American experience.
Black Americans seem to be “at higher risk, Surgeon General Dr. Jerome Adams said
during an appearance on CBS This Morning on Tuesday. That racial disparity has been evident in
early data on coronavirus deaths in Louisiana, Illinois, Michigan and New Jersey.
disparity, of American Blacks being at higher risk of death from coronavirus, is seen for example
in Louisiana, a major US hotspot, which “was the first southern state to categorize Covid-19 deaths
by race. On Monday Governor John Bel Edwards announced that a shocking 70% of deaths were
among African Americans, despite making up only 33% of the state’s population.”
The unexpected result of this analysis is that, on a worldwide scale, at least in particular
African countries, it is simply not true that Blacks are more susceptible to coronavirus. This
analysis involved one-third of the world’s population. Two-thirds of the population studied were
non-westerners. Two hundred and eighty-six million with were black Africans. Based upon the
conventional wisdom, we would expect higher social economic status and more highly developed
health care systems to produce better outcomes. Here, the facts say otherwise. If the reported data
is accurate, it indicates that those in more westernized, highly developed countries are 400 times
more likely to die from coronavirus infection than residents of economically stressed countries
This preprint research paper has not been peer reviewed. Electronic copy available at: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3586954
with less well-developed heath care delivery systems. The unmistakable fact to emerge from this
analysis is that, across that world, at this point in time, less affluent people of color, with less
access to health care, are 99.9% less likely to die of coronavirus than western Europeans and
Finally, it is possible that the data may change. Perhaps this is just a temporal anomaly?
Perhaps the disparity is simply due to chance? Perhaps Africa and South Asia are simply behind
the western countries in the progression of their coronavirus pandemic. This seems unlikely as
Africa was exposed to travelers from China and Europe as well. Also, the introduction of
coronavirus to Africa came at exactly the same time as New York City, and it was predicted that
the coronavirus would be catastrophic for Africa. However, New York with its seven medical
schools, two hundred hospitals, thousands of doctors, hospitals built by the U.S. Government, and
even a one-thousand-bed hospital ship, has fared far worse in the coronavirus pandemic than any
country in Africa. The data may well change but for now, the data demonstrates the disparate
death rates.
The counterintuitive fatality rate from coronavirus in the regions studied is so marked there
must be some explanation. Underreporting seems unlikely and has not been proven. Differences
in climate or temperature do not clearly explain, and genetic differences should actually produce
the opposite effect. The hint of an additional and partially determinative factor is the fact that the
South Asian countries studied are known to have a significant presence of malaria. This seems to
be a common denominator. It may offer a clue.
To test the hypothesis that a country’s prevalence of malaria was somehow inversely
related to its prevalence of or susceptibility to coronavirus, the six malaria-endemic countries were
added to the study. There is no doubt that many residents of South Asia suffer from poverty and
lack of access to health care, especially when compared to western countries. The six sub-Saharan
African countries (Nigeria, Congo, Mozambique, Uganda, Niger and Côte d'Ivoire) were selected
for this study because of the malaria factor, because all six are thought to have a higher prevalence
of malaria overall than the three South Asian countries. The WHO’s World Malaria Report for
2019 states that “nineteen countries in sub-Saharan Africa and India carried almost 85% of the
global malaria burden.” These “six countries accounted for more than half of all malaria cases
They are Nigeria (25%), the Democratic Republic of the Congo (12%), Uganda
(5%), and Côte d’Ivoire, Mozambique and Niger (4% each). With regard to socioeconomic status
and access to health care, the residents of the six sub-Saharan countries are even less fortunate.
The six sub-Saharan countries have approximately 31% lower per capita income and 66% fewer
physicians than the three South Asian countries (India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh).
However, the morbidity and mortality due to coronavirus in the six poorer and more
malaria-prone countries were actually better than even the larger, slightly more affluent, malaria
afflicted countries of South Asia. The incidence of coronavirus infection and death in these six
sub-Saharan countries is about 0.1% of that in well-developed, malaria-free countries.
Alternatively, given the present data, living in a less well-developed, less affluent, malaria-prone
country is associated with a 99.9% reduction in the probability of death due to coronavirus
infection. Thus, it is hypothesized that somehow the prevalence of malaria infection in a country
might somehow protect a country’s residents from coronavirus infection and death.
The evidence indicates that the presence of malaria in a country is somehow associated
with some protective effect against death from coronavirus. There seems to be three possible
causal mechanisms whereby a nation’s prevalence of malaria could be linked to the unexpected,
This preprint research paper has not been peer reviewed. Electronic copy available at: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3586954
hundred-fold, inverse relationship to malaria suggested by the data. The first is some direct
interaction between coronavirus and malaria itself. We know that malaria can interact with other
diseases. There is a well described interaction between malaria and sickle cell anemia.
this point, there does not seem to be any evidence that such a direct interaction exists with
The second causal mechanism whereby a nation’s prevalence of malaria could be linked to
its incidence of coronavirus infection and death could be the direct use of antimalarial agents to
directly treat the malaria present within the countrysome sort of spill-over effect. We know that
there is a real need for an effective treatment of pandemic COVID-19. We know that there is a
much discussion and some early evidence that antimalarial agents, particularly
hydroxychloroquine, may be effective in the treatment of coronavirus infection. Unfortunately,
the current public debate is steeped in controversy.
There does seem to exist a third possibly related causal mechanism whereby a nation’s
malaria prevalence might be linked to its incidence of coronavirus infection and death. This third
possible mechanism might be the use of antimalarial prophylaxis in travelers entering the country.
To better understand this phenomenon, one must recall that coronavirus is introduced into a
country by travelers from other countries.
COVID-19 was first observed in Wuhan, China. It has now spread to one hundred eighty-
five countries worldwide. Coronavirus is spread from one country to another by travelers. A
major new genomic study just published by researchers at Mount Sinai in New York “found
evidence that the first COVID-19 cases in New York City originated in Europe.” The study found
that COVID-19 in New York City "predominately arose through untracked transmission between
the United States and Europe, with limited evidence supporting direct introductions from China,
where the virus originated, or other locations in Asia.’"
The researchers found multiple,
independent but isolated introductions mainly from Europe and other parts of the United States.
Similarly, one of the first cases in Africa was thought to be transmitted by a Taiwanese woman on
a Nile River cruise.
Finally, “the first case of coronavirus in sub-Saharan Africa was believed
to have been introduced by an Italian citizen who entered the country on 24 February on a Turkish
Airlines flight from Milan via Istanbul.”
Thus, a country is seeded with coronavirus by its visitors. Once introduced by travelers,
coronavirus can then spread within a country by direct person-to-person transmission. Thus, the
incidence of coronavirus within a country would be expected to be lower if the visitor’s rate of
introduction of coronavirus could be decreased.
It is a fact that those traveling to sub-Saharan Africa are likely to be taking antimalarial
agents prophylactically. Even twenty years ago it was found that 95.4% used antimalarial
More recently Ahluwalia et. al. found that those numbers may have slipped,
finding an adherence rate of only 89% for antimalarial prophylaxis.
So, while the prevalence of
antimalarial prophylaxis utilized by travelers to these malaria-endemic countries cannot be
precisely known, it is likely to be very high.
It is hypothesized that these same prophylactic antimalarial agents are also effective against
coronavirus as well. Thus, travelers taking a prophylactic antimalarial agent while entering are
less likely to introduce coronavirus into the country. This would explain the low rate of
coronavirus infection and death seen in the nine less affluent countries analyzed here. Travelers
entering the U.S. and western Europe are almost certainly not taking any form of malaria
This preprint research paper has not been peer reviewed. Electronic copy available at: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3586954
prophylaxis. This would be consistent with the high rates of coronavirus transmission into these
countries by travelers. These observations thus suggest that antimalarial agents taken by those
traveling to Africa and South Asia may be effective as prophylaxis against infection and death due
to coronavirus. This would translate to a low or initially low infection rate for those countries.
The question as to the use of antimalarial agents as prophylaxis against coronavirus
infection has been at least initially raised. In fact, a U.S. Coronavirus Task Force expert was asked
about this directly. He was asked if some antimalarial agent (in this case hydroxychloroquine) had
some use as a prophylaxis against COVID-19?
Q: And to Dr. Fauci, if I could. Dr. Fauci — this was explained yesterday
there has been some promise with hydroxychloroquine as potential therapy for
people who are infected with coronavirus. Is there any evidence to suggest that, as
with malaria, it might be used as a prophylaxis against COVID-19?
DR. FAUCI: “No. The answer is no. And the evidence that you’re talking about,
John, is anecdotal evidence.
This was right about the time the U.S. FDA Commission loosened the restrictions of the
use of hydroxychloroquine. So, the assertion that there is “no” evidence is not exactly correct.
One may say the evidence is weak or inconclusive, but it is inaccurate to say that there is no
evidence that the prophylactic use of antimalarial agents is not effective. At least one source
reports that “India itself advocates health care workers take the drug regularly as a preventive
Finally, the evidence presented herein comes from an entirely different perspective
yet strongly suggests that some antimalarial agents may inhibit the transmission of coronavirus.
This comparative analysis involving 2.4 billion patients across the world suggests that
antimalarial agents may be the reason for the disparate infection and fatality rates and may have a
role in the prophylaxis against coronavirus infections as well as malaria. If this hypothesis proves
to be correct, it means the prophylactic administration of some yet to be precisely identified
antimalarial agent could be up to 99% effective in averting coronavirus infection. This author is
unaware of any competing hypothesis offered as an alternative explanation for the evidence that
patients in more well-developed countries are more than one hundred times more likely to acquire
and die from a coronavirus infection than those of less well-developed countries. This fact
demands explanation.
A few have noted, at least peripherally, the association between low prevalence of
coronavirus infection and the presence of malaria. Usually this has been loosely associated with
the use of hydroxychloroquine. However, hydroxychloroquine is less commonly used for malaria
prophylaxis. So, the anti-coronavirus action of may be common to other antimalarials and not
limited to just hydroxychloroquine. At least one study has considered that an antimalarial agent,
again hydroxychloroquine, may have prophylactic benefit.
This study made no association with
the low death rates in Africa or the use of antimalarials in African travelers. This writer specifically
suggests that the prophylactic benefit in the prevention of the transmission of coronavirus may
extend beyond hydroxychloroquine to other antimalarial agents commonly used for malaria
prophylaxis. To this writer’s knowledge, the specific association between the widespread use of
prophylactic antimalarial agents in arriving travelers and the remarkably low rate of coronavirus
and death in malaria-endemic sub-Saharan Africa has never been described in the medical
This preprint research paper has not been peer reviewed. Electronic copy available at: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3586954
The data analyzed here demonstrates that those living in sub-Saharan African countries
have a 99% less chance of dying from coronavirus compared to the U.S. and the high risk Western
European countries. This low death rate is backward and counterintuitive. It occurs despite the
relative poverty and limited access to health care in these countries. These countries, so successful
at combating or avoiding coronavirus, are distinguishable by their high endemic rates of malaria
and the associated use of antimalarial drugs as prophylaxis by visitors to their respective counties.
It is thus hypothesized that the low incidence of COVID-19 in these countries is because
antimalarial drugs have some protective or prophylactic effect against coronavirus as well as
malaria. Because hydroxychloroquine is not widely used as prophylaxis against malaria, it is not
responsible for the effect seen here. Hydroxychloroquine may or may not be the best drug. Other,
newer antimalarial agents should be studied for safety and efficacy.
The hundred-fold disparity in coronavirus infection and fatality rate seen here in the data
although counterintuitive, is not insignificant. This data should not be ignored. No one can
guarantee that the numbers presented here will not reverse, and a catastrophic COVID-19
pandemic engulf the African continent. Unless and until that occurs, there is evidence that
antimalarials may prevent or in some other way mitigate the COVID-19 pandemic. The data
should not be ignored because one thinks the data might change. Even if the numbers do reverse,
and the COVID-19 pandemic were to accelerate in South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa, the
question would remain, why the delay in the progression of the pandemic in Africa? This
unexpected, hundred-fold, inverse disparity in fatality rates should not be ignored.
Recommendations for Further Study
It is hypothesized antimalarial agents may play a role in the prevention of transmission or
seeding by incoming travelers to sub-Saharan Africa. This writer is unaware of any other
compelling alternative explanation having been proposed to satisfactorily explain the relatively
low coronavirus death rates in malaria-endemic countries.
In addition to our mitigation efforts and our hope for a vaccine, we should aggressively
pursue the discovery of an active and early treatment strategy for coronavirus infection. The
hypothesis that antimalarial agents are effective in the prophylaxis and treatment of novel
coronavirus known as SARS-CoV-2 or COVID-19 should be studied aggressively and
collaboratively. Different, newer, antimalarial agents should be studied as well in hopes of
identifying any mechanisms whereby the broader class of antimalarial agents may exhibit some
therapeutic and prophylactic effect against coronavirus.
Finally, we should not ignore the data before us because we think the data might change.
If we can identify an oral agent which can be used earlier to treat or at least mitigate coronavirus
infection, such a drug will also prove invaluable to Africa as well as the rest of the world if and
when Africa experiences an increase in coronavirus infection. We should study this disparity in
fatality rates in the hope that African experience with antimalarials will lead to a coronavirus cure.
Funding: There was no funding for this paper.
Competing interests: The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
This preprint research paper has not been peer reviewed. Electronic copy available at: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3586954
Author details: Geoff Mitchell, MD, JD
Department of Emergency Medicine
The University of Toledo
Sadik Khuder, PhD
Professor of Biostatistics and Epidemiology
Department of Medicine
The University of Toledo
This preprint research paper has not been peer reviewed. Electronic copy available at: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3586954
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