The results are as follows. As of April 22, 2020, Italy has a population of 60 million with
183,957 cases and 24,648 deaths. Spain has a population of 46.7 million with 208,389 cases and
21,717 deaths. The United States has a population of 327 million with 825,306 cases and 45,075
deaths. India has a population of 1.35 billion with only 20,178 cases and 645 deaths. Pakistan has
a population of 220 million with 9,749 cases and 209 deaths. Bangladesh has a population of 160
million with 3,772 cases and 120 deaths. Nigeria has a population of 205 million with 782 cases
and 25 deaths. Congo has a population of 89 million with 359 cases and 25 deaths. Uganda has a
population of 45 million with 613 cases and no deaths. Mozambique has a population of 31 million
with 39 cases and no deaths. Côte d'Ivoire has a population of 25 Million with 916 cases and 13
deaths. Niger has a population of 22 Million with 657 cases and 20 deaths. In contrast, New York
State has a population of 19.8 million with 190,288 cases and 9,385 deaths.
As of this writing, India has a fatality rate of 0.000048%, Pakistan has a fatality rate of
0.000095%, and Bangladesh has a fatality rate of 0.000075%. Nigeria has a fatality rate of
0.000012%. Congo has a fatality rate of 0.000028%. Uganda has a fatality rate of zero.
Mozambique has a fatality rate of zero. Côte d'Ivoire has a fatality rate of 0.000059%. Niger has
a fatality rate of 0.000080%. The average national fatality rate of the six malaria-endemic
countries is 0.000030%. All six of these countries have national fatality rates of less than one case
per million.
Among the western countries, Italy has a fatality rate of 0.041% or 411 cases per million
and with a relative risk death from coronavirus is 2,402 times that of the six poor countries of sub-
Saharan Africa. Spain has a fatality rate of 0.047% or 465 cases per million and a relative risk of
death from coronavirus 2,719 times that of the six poor countries of sub-Saharan Africa. The
United States has an overall fatality rate of 0.014% or 338 cases per million and a relative risk 806
times that of the six poor countries of sub-Saharan Africa.
Overall, the Industrialized West has a population corrected coronavirus fatality rate
of approximately 1,059 times that of malaria-endemic, sub-Saharan Africa. This increased
coronavirus fatality rate in the west is highly significant statistically (p < 0.0001). The
increase infection rate may less certain due to variable availability of testing. Still, the
measured coronavirus infection rate in the Industrialized West is 416 times more than that
for sub-Saharan Africa. This measured difference is statistically significant (p < 0.0001).
The six malaria-prone countries of sub-Saharan Africa (Nigeria, Congo, Mozambique,
Uganda, Niger and Côte d'Ivoire – 0.3 deaths per million) have coronavirus fatality rates of about
half of that found in the three large countries of South Asia (India, Pakistan and Bangladesh – 0.7
deaths per million). At present, all of these less affluent counties have coronavirus fatality rates
less than one percent of the rates of the U.S. and other more affluent westernized countries.
Similarly, the infection rates of the six malaria-endemic countries are less than one percent of the
coronavirus infection rates seen in the West.
Obviously, this could be to relative lack of testing
in these countries. This is why a country’s death rate is the more valid measure.
The Westernized countries (Italy, Spain and U.S.) reviewed in their study had an overall coronavirus infection rate
of 0.2647%. The South Asian countries (India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh) had an overall infection rate of 0.0012%.
The malaria-endemic Sub-Saharan African countries (Nigeria, Congo, Mozambique, Uganda, Niger and Côte d'Ivoire)
had a similar overall infection rate of 0.0016%. Thus, the average raw coronavirus infection rate of the three
Westernized countries (Italy, Spain and U.S.) reviewed in the study was 189 times greater than the average raw
coronavirus infection rate of the nine less affluent countries (India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh, Nigeria, Congo,
This preprint research paper has not been peer reviewed. Electronic copy available at: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3586954