1. Are 14th century public health measures really the best
we have to offer? Is the cure worse than the disease?
2. The Great Barrington Declaration is an excellent
first/half step. (Treatment is also needed.)
3. Is a vaccine the only real plausible medical treatment?
4. Criminalization of COVID treamtent with HCQ has failed.
There is growing appreciation of early, outpatient treatment.
5. Dr. Peter McCullough has published what appears to be
the best proposal for early, outpatient treatment.
6. On 11/19/20, the U.S. Senate Homeland Security Committee
held a hearing on the "Early Outpatient Treatment" of COVID.
7. @CovidAnalysis has complied 257 (06/15/21) studies of the
use of hydroxychloroquine in the treatment of SARS-CoV-2
infection in the COVID-19 pandemic. https://c19study.com/.
8. More treatment information will follow.